Wednesday, February 16, 2011


Did you know that wedding photography began sometime around the early 1800's?  Back then, there were no paper photographs as we know today...but rather an image produced onto a light-sensitive silver or silver-coated plate. 

In the early 19th century, couples would pose for a formal photograph in their "best" clothes before or after their wedding day.  It was wasn't until the 1860's that couples began posing in their formal wedding attire on their wedding day.  As wedding photography continued to evolve, photographers began to include the wedding party in the formal photos with the Bride and Groom in the 1880's. 

File:Queen Victoria Albert 1854.JPG
[Photo of Queen Victoria and Prince Albert in 1854 - credit: ]

In the beginning of the 20th century, color photography began to make its debut.  However, colors would fade in a short period of time; thereby erasing any image memories.  Because of this, wedding photos were predominantly in black and white.  In the 1930's, with the evolution of photography equipment, processes, and techniques, wedding photography began to rise in popularity.  This was just in time to embrace the marriage boom after World War II, when wedding photography increased, as troops returned from war.

In the 1970's, the introduction of wedding photojournalism evolved, where photographers began capturing images of the wedding as it unfolded, in a documentary style. 

So, as you plan your wedding, think about how fortunate you are to have so many options available to relive your memories for years to come.  I hope you found this tidbit of history interesting.

Ciao, until next time...

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